Todd didn't function right for most of a year. The pain of it was excruciating and he wasn't able to talk about Andy, probably better known as Jack.
Of course, I had heard all of the stories about the Satanta Crue--which came to be known as simply "the Scrue". (Yes, two dots are always placed over the "u" for all of you Motley fans.) The boys would get together and repeat the same ones over and over and over. Most of them involved Jack's truck. She wasn't just any old pickup, her name was Roxy. The poor girl was put through Hell, but she always got the boys back home. It didn't seem to matter that the stories never changed and they were repeated each time we all got together, they were their stories...the adventures of Jack, Roadie, Macster, Jeremy, and Hank with many other characters sprinkled throughout.
I wrote this poem back in 1997 to express for my husband the things he could not express for himself. Maybe I didn't capture it completely...but I tried...and, God knows, I cried. It's hard to believe that he's been gone for 12 years this week. We miss you, Jack.
I remember the days of high school football games, homecomings, and track;
We were the "Scrue" of Satanta and we called him "Jack".
Jeremy, Jack, Hank, Macster, and Roadie (that's me)
Could do anything and be anything we ever wanted to be.
There were wild rides in the Caddy and some were sure to say
Those boys knew how to party when it was Satanta Day!
We had double dates, blind dates, and even went to prom together;
I always assumed he'd be around to be my friend forever.
Then we went to college--Jack went to K-State.
We'd all go up to see him and stay up way too late.
To basketball games, football games, concerts, and more;
Time spent with Jack was never a bore.
Back in 1990, Roxy (the blue Chevy pickup) was bought;
She was a good truck but she was abused a lot.
We made road trips to Denny's in the middle of the night;
And sometimes barely made it home by the break of light.
Then in 1992 Andy married his sweetheart;
Her name was Tamra and we knew they'd never part.
I was in that wedding and I will always remember that day;
We decorated Roxy and then sent them on their way.
In 1994 it was my turn to say, "I do."
Jeremy, Jack, and Mac stood with me, but when it was through
They found my Monte Carlo (I thought they never would)
And Jack certainly got even by putting pancake syrup on my hood.
Heidi Grace was also born that year but God took her above;
Although we dearly miss Andy, his daughter is there with him to love.
On Christmas Day they were blessed again with a beautiful baby boy;
Cooper Jace is his name and he was his daddy's joy.
That March we received Tana Carol--a beautiful baby girl;
Andy, Tamra, and Cooper came to see just who had changed my world.
We were glad they came to see our new home back in September;
And we stopped by to see if they'd had that new baby yet in December.
The last time I talked to Andy, he had called to say--
Jacqueline Nicole had finally come...she was two days old that day.
I never got to see him hold that precious girl in his arms;
But I know he's holding Heidi and learning all her charms.
My wife told me the bad news early on Monday night;
And for a while it's going to seem like nothing in the world is right.
It was a cold day in February when we laid his body to rest;
I will always love him because, as my friend, he was the best.

Cooper is a Freshman this year. He is the spitting image of his father. According to mom, his best friend could be a reincarnation of Todd with blond hair. She loves watching the boys feels like she watching Andy and Todd. Jacqueline (better known as Jacque--pronounced "Jack") is a beauty at 12. She was blessed with just the perfect combination of traits from both her parents.
That year the Scrue decided that another year would not go by without them getting together to tell the old stories and enjoy each other's company. Each Memorial Day weekend we all meet at one of our homes for the annual Scruefest. The Scrue has grown to include wives and children. It's so great that all of the children know each other from these annual celebrations. The goal of the weekend is simple--to golf, tell stories, listen to some of the old tunes, eat a deep-fried turkey, and throw back a few beverages...but not before raising a glass to Andy and making sure that Jack is never forgotten.
That made me Cry!
ReplyDeleteThanks! That was sweet! Made me cry too of course but just because of happy memories! I plan on seeing Andy and Heidi again someday! Wow,we had sooo much fun! Maybe in another ten years my kids will be old enough to hear all the Scrue stories!!! For now, we want to get them raised loving the Lord with all their heart every day and only hearing edited versions of all our fun! They are so impressionable as young teens. A little FYI, thankfully, Cooper is only an 8th grader. Of course, if I'd ever get our Christmas letter sent, you'd know that! Ha! Miss you all!!! Tamra
ReplyDeleteI debated about Cooper's grade. I knew he was older than Tana but couldn't remember at what age you had him start school. It's hard to believe our babies will be in high school next year!
ReplyDeleteTamra sent me a short email following her post:
...forgot to mention that I still have napkin holders and salt and pepper shakers from the Scrue's Denny trips!
That is a beautiful tribute to someone who obviously had a great effect on your life -- and Todd's and I am sure many others.
ReplyDeleteIt is a tough thing to write about! I am still trying to form words myself!